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About Us

Avvai Mahalir Kuzhukalin Sangamam (AMKS) is a reputed voluntary organization working in Perambalur & Ariyatlur Districts of Tamilnadu in the sector of rehabilitation of drug addicts, children home for girls, Home for senior citizens and community development programmes


  • To carryout the plans and the aims of the State and Central Governmental programmes which is sponsored by the concerned authoritie
  • To carryout the plans and the aims of the State and Central Governmental programmes which is sponsored by the concerned authoritie
  • To start, establish, equip and run Industrial Training Institutes, Short Stay Homes, Children Homes, Child Adoption Unit, Vocational Training Centres, Old Age Homes, Information and Knowledge Resource centres, Deaddiction centres for the benefit of all irrespective of race, caste, community, religion or social status.
  • To promote the welfare of the orphan, special children, widows, deserted & neglected elders, disaster victims and downtrodden by executing welfare and right based programmes with the support of the Government, International donors and likeminded institutions.
  • To promote and develop agricultural oriented rural programmes, dairy, poultry and other farm activities.
  • To impart non-formal education, adult education and to promote educational facilities for children of poor and needy people through running creche, schools, colleges, hospitals, laboratories and libraries for promoting education.
  • To create assets such as land, building and the structures for the promotion of the society and also to use the same for the purpose of the business and welfare activities of the society and for the benefits of the public general.
  • To render social services to poor and needy people during the natural calamities such as flood, fire, famine, droughts and other epidemics.
  • To subscribe or give donations to and financially or otherwise to aid any other societies/institutions having charity, education or social services as its primary objects
  • To carryout activities related to climate change, environment, mangrove cultivation and plantation with the support of national and international institutions.
  • To create awareness among people about various social evils such as addiction, child marriage, child labour, and do such activities that will eradicate such habits in collaboration with such Authorities of State, Central and other Non-Governmental Organizations
Geographical Area
  • Perambalur District
  • Ariyalur District
Legal Information
  • Year Avvai founded :2001
  •  Registration No.103/2001 
  • Registration Dated 23/10/2001
  • Registration Act: Societies Registration Act 27 of 1975
Core Sectors
  • Child rights and child protection
  • Education
  • Elder care
  • Health & Sanitation
  • Addiction Management
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