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"Puthiyapathai" Integrated Rehabilitation Center for Addicts (IRCA)

With the support of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, the organization Avvai Mahalir Kuzhukalin Sangamam (AMKS) is executing Puthiyapathai - Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for Addicts in Perambalur District. At this reporting period, 179 cases were admitted and undergone medical and psychological treatment. Out of that 165 cases are leading drug free life


The IRCA staff team along with NSS of Govt Arts & Science College, conducted awareness programme to young people and thereby sensitized on ill-effects of drug abuse to 120 students

Conducted Individual Counseling, Group therapy, Family therapy and yoga therapy as part of treatment aiming on overall rehabilitation of inmates.  The rehabilitated inmates were followed up through home visits and given guidance to remain sober.

14 number of awareness programmes were conducted among women Self Help Groups, college students, industrial workers and general public and thereby reached 1954 people.

The Counsellors of the project attended training organized by TTK-Chennai and improved their skills to deliver quality services.

The project organized exhibition by displaying visual charts and posters and thereby educated industrial workers on ill-effects of drug abuse. Totally 122 were participated.

District Child Protection Officer (DCPO) of Nagapattinam District visited the IRCA programme and given guidance.

As per the circular of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, the project educated clients on Corona virus (Covid-19) followed precautionary steps and maintained centre neat and clean.

Reached 874 community members through outreach activities, exhibition and sensitization events
Medical and Psychological treatment given for 140 addicts
128 clients were rehabilitated successfully
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